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Mental Calmness - 4 Ways To Find Clarity in Any Situation

Mental calmness is something we could all use a little more of. When your mind is calm, you can focus easier, you see things in a more positive light, and your body remains healthier. It seems that many people struggle to find mental calmness in daily situations. 

Below we're going to discuss how you can find mental calmness in most situations.


What is Mental Calmness?

Mental calmness is a sense of groundedness and control over your reactions. You can't control what happens on the outside. But, you can control the way you respond to situations. 

Mental calmness is a sense of perspective and a trust that everything will work out in the end and that you will make it through whatever your current situation is. You can see things with clarity and reasonable judgment. 

The Benefits of Mental Calmness

All of us have things that happen in our lives that make us feel fear, doubt, insecurity, or anger. That's natural. What you do with those emotions and how long you allow them to linger is where the real juice of change is. 

When you're faced with an uncomfortable situation, the sooner you can find your way back to calmness and clarity, the sooner you can go on enjoying the depth and beauty of life.

Imagine if you could reset your mental and physical state in just a few minutes, no matter your immediate circumstance. What if you could calm your mind enough to approach that sexy stranger at the cafe confidently? What if you were about to make a presentation and your hands are shaking, and your voice is quivering, but you're able to find calmness and confidence to deliver it with grace?

How much more loving, healthy, productive, and joyful could you be? How much more depth and variety could you experience? 

Things are still going to knock you off your game every once in a while. But, no matter what happens, if you can refocus your energy towards mindsets that will serve you more, you will be able to squeeze more out of this life you've got. 

Mental calmness will allow you to analyze situations with a clear head, stay in a healthy physical state, and view things more objectively instead of letting your emotions get the best of you and taking control.



4 Ways To Find Mental Calmness in Any Situation

Achieving a sense of calmness is all about connection and awareness. There are numerous ways you can connect. You can connect to your breath, to the present moment, or the sensations in your body. Rather than allowing anxieties to run rampant through your mind, you can come to a place of awareness and identification. 

To find mental clarity, you need to become aware of what is causing you stress. When you identify it and pay attention to it, the stress has nowhere to go. You can then process the emotion right then and there and look at it from an objective angle. 

Looking at things objectively allows you to see the whole picture. Instead of focusing on the singular emotion that is causing you grief right now, you may be able to see how this situation could work out for you in the long run. 

Below are four ways to find mental calmness in everyday life. 

1. Gain Perspective

Taking a big picture view of your situation is one of the easiest ways to find clarity in the moment. Something that may upset you right now is highly unlikely to cause you any distress in ten years. Most things are unlikely to cause you stress in a week. 

Think about something that had happened before that you thought was a big deal at the time. Something like a breakup, not getting the job you want, etc. It may have stung at the moment, but in a short time, you had moved on and, likely, were better off because of it. Keeping this perspective can save you lots of heartaches and allow you to find your way back to calmness in most situations. 

Of course, there are significant traumas that can affect people for long periods, but in the majority of life's stressful situations, gaining a little bit of long term perspective can go a long way in taking your power back from the singular event. 

Don't be afraid to remove yourself emotionally from the situation and assess it with a big picture perspective. 


2.Imagine the Best-Case Scenario

Worst-case thinking is not productive for very long, and it may cause people to become even more anxious. As a counter to the previous approach, imagining the best-case scenario is one of the most powerful techniques for bringing you peace and calmness. 

By default, many people automatically go towards the worst case. But not many people focus on all of the good things that could happen. 

Focusing on the best-case scenario and realizing that something unique could happen to you at any point can give you energy, hope, and excitement. It is a form of mental rehearsal. You want to practice feeling the expectation of good things in your life so that you're not always looking for the bad. Then as you look for more positive in your life, you will start to notice it. 

I dare you to try to feel excited and hopeful while also being anxious at the same time. The two sensations can't coexist. 

3.Breathe in Breathe Out

You've heard this one before, and you may be enticed to skip right by it. But connecting to the breath is undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools we have as humans. 

When you slow your breathing down, you slow your body and your brain down. You allow oxygen to flow through the veins and create more calmness in your physiology. The act of focusing on your breathing gives you a singular focus point instead of your many stressors. 

The key is to focus on your breath until your anxiety relaxes. Sometimes it takes just a few short breaths, and other times it may take longer. If you genuinely want to experience mental calmness, don't be afraid to sit down and breathe slowly and calmly until you notice the fog clearing in your mind. There is a reason that breathwork is so widely suggested by medical professionals. 

4.Practice Yoga

Yoga may not be something you can turn to in every situation. If you're in the middle of a shopping mall and something happens that makes you angry, dropping into some asanas for 20 minutes may not be possible. 

But, if you have a few minutes and you're in a space where you're comfortable doing so, taking time to release some tension in the body while focusing on the breath can improve your physiology and mental state exponentially. 

Yoga gives you a chance to become aware of your body, your present environment, and your breath. These elements help you focus on what is stressing you out and onto a more calming present moment. 

Practicing yoga a few times a week can give you the mental, physical, and emotional benefits you want so that you're more centered and calm whenever situations arise in your regular life. 

Practicing for just 20-minutes a day a few times a week is enough to offer you amazing, all-around health benefits for your body and mind. 


Try keeping some of these simple techniques in mind whenever you feel the need to approach your day more calmly. Of course, there are countless ways to find mental calmness, and there are situations where you may require the assistance of a medical professional. But for the small stuff, you can handle it!

Come and flow with us during our live sessions at Flow and Go Yoga and start to experience a little more mental clarity and calmness. 


  1. Hello,

    I liked your blog very much it is very interesting and I learned many things from this blog which is helping me a lot.

    Thanks a lot!

    Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in Thailand


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