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Showing posts from January, 2021

Higher Health Yoga - How a Movement Practice Can Help You Achieve Better Health

  Our physical and mental health are tied together in more ways than many people can imagine. An anxious mind and a body stuck in fight or flight can have trouble finding a sense of calm.  Higher health yoga is an idea that by practicing the principles taught within yoga, we can find a greater sense of calm in our mind and body, which can help our body naturally remain in a state of health.  Healing Meditation in Motion Many people believe that we can heal our bodies using our minds. Although that is still a heavily debated topic, it is no secret that by creating a more relaxed and healthy inner atmosphere, our body can keep potential sicknesses at bay more easily.  Whenever you meditate, you are participating in a mindfulness practice that naturally leads your body towards healing. According to  this article  published by, meditation is scientifically proven to help lower blood pressure, decrease cortisol, and reduce inflammation.  Yoga is a form of healing meditation w

The Benefits and How to of Headstands (Salamba Sirsasana) - With Pictures

You've definitely seen the social media posts on inversions - headstands, handstands, elbow stands, and all kinds of arm balances. But what are the benefits of headstands? And, how do you do them? They make Yoga look elegant and fancy, and they take some practice, but headstands, in particular, are attainable by any yogi!  Why do we flip upside down and try to stand on our heads? Admittedly, most yogis you see do it for fun. What's not to love about being upside down and playing on the mat?  The Benefits of Headstands The largest benefit from a purely physiological point of view is that it helps blood flow return to the heart. Our bodies have miles and miles of veins - little blood vessels with one-way valves that help return the blood to the heart. The valves help ensure one-way flow, returning deoxygenated blood back to the heart despite gravity. A headstand, or other inversions, means that venous flow now works with gravity. If you have varicose veins, inversions are helpful